Anti-Wrinkle Injection FAQ

  • What Are Anti-Wrinkle Injections?

    Anti-wrinkle injections use a naturally occurring protein produced by a bacterium. In a purified form, this toxin is a very safe, effective treatment not only used in cosmetic clinics, but also for a number of medical conditions, including migraine and excessive sweating.

    All anti-wrinkle injectabales are prescription only medicines (POM) and can only be prescribed by doctors and dentists with the prescribing qualification, following a face to face assessment and consultation with the qualified prescriber.

  • How Do Anti-Wrinkle Injections Work?

    The toxin blocks the transition of chemical messages from the nerve to the muscle so that the muscle stays in a resting state for a period of 8 to 12 weeks on average. There may only be a partial reduction in movement allowing some remaining movement or a full block in which case there is very little remaining muscular movement in the area – this very much depends on the amount administered and location of product placement –treatment may be tailored to suit your individual requirements.

    Your expected treatment outcomes and whether they can be achieved will be discussed at the time of consultation. Dr Marcella treats conservatively for a light and natural look – less is more. Treatment is cumulative and results improve each time.

  • Does It Hurt?

    A very fine needle is used and generally, this treatment is not described by most as painful and can be well tolerated with no anaesthetic. Please request an anaesthetic cream or ice, if you are nervous about needles.

  • Does It Affect Facial Movement?

    Successful treatment does not dissolve expressions but softens them. Anti-wrinkle injections are not suitable for lines present without expression (static lines), your practitioner will advise you.

  • Which Lines Can Be Treated?

    Advanced and off-label indications include; horizontal brow lines, lip lines, chin ‘poppling’, muscles on the lower face and neck, to lift the mouth corners, improve the jawline and the appearance of the neck. The ‘chewing muscle’ may also be treated to soften a square jaw or to prevent teeth grinding or jaw clenching at night and under-arm treatments for excessive sweating.

  • How Long Will It Last?

    Results tend to last approximately 3-4 months. Movement will begin recovering from 8 weeks. Frequent treatment at intervals of less than 3 months is not recommended. Repeating treatment when movement recovers will deliver optimum results over time. Frequency of treatments may be reduced according to the quality of your skin and your response to treatment. Treatment is cumulative, the results improve each time.

If you would like to book a consultation for any treatments

Please note your consultation fee (€50) is fully redeemable against treatment undertaken within 1 month. You can book directly at any of our clinic locations by clicking below.

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